Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My First Post!

Well, here I go! I figured I would try a new way to reach those interested in our work here in the CCE Eelgrass Restoration Program. I had looked into an online newsletter and even mentioned that this is what I would be developing in our most recent Seagrass.LI newsletter, but didn't like the format and costs involved. The blog format would seem to be a much better vehicle for what I want to do...that is, to share with you daily observations and results from our field work involving the monitoring and restoration of eelgrass around Long Island, NY.

As you probably already know, we are out on the water every day that weather will allow and during those dives we always see something interesting and learn something new. We could put these things on our webpage, but that would be cumbersome and way too much work for Kim, so I decided to take on this responsibility myself. I have always tried to keep project funders and local resource managers up to date with regular emails and pics and now anyone can see the same information. Kim will continue on with her periodic project update pages on the website, but that will be on more of a monthly schedule.

If you will bear with me I am going to add new things to make this blog more useful and interesting as well as post observations from our 2008 field work beginning in January and running up until May. Once I am caught up, I will only cover new work. I hope you enjoy it. If you have any comments please send them to me at


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